

Man wearing a mask enters.


You affix, anchor, attach rope to me.
You're the Nietzschen 'Superman' -
Creator of New Values.
So you batten, bind, bolt, buckle,
Button, chain, clamp me,
Rope to clasp, cling, close me.
You're the solution -
Fix, grip, hitch, hook
To a problem -
Knot, join, lace, lash.
You're the Nietzschen 'Ubermensch'.
It means you strap, tack, tape, tie me.
So you batten, bind, bolt, buckle me,
Button, chain, clamp me,
Rope to clasp, cling, close me.


1 comment:

Anna said...

This was really good when you read it. You could do a series of films! You could do Hitchcock's whole ouevre!